Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

WP12: WP leaders’ meeting│28 June 2024, online

On 28 June 2024, the leaders of the Work Packages (WPs) within the BrightSpace Horizon Europe project convened for a 90-minute online meeting. The meeting covered key updates on ongoing tasks, preparations for upcoming events, and crucial planning for the project’s future.

Key Topics Discussed:

Feedback & Follow-up on Stakeholder Retreat
The 1st BrightSpace Stakeholder Retreat held on 19-20 June 2024 in Leuven, Belgium was well-attended, with 25 participants, and the atmosphere was friendly, with stakeholders actively engage. The next retreat is scheduled for autumn 2025.

Annual Meeting in Seville (5-6 November 2024)
The upcoming annual meeting will feature the BrightSpace General Assembly on 5 November and sessions connecting BrightSpace to the LAMASUS project on 6 November, with discussions on topics like baseline data and farm typology.

Preparation for Periodic Report 1 Review Meeting
The consortium has submitted its first Periodic Report to the European Commission. The review meeting is scheduled for 22 July 2024, and will be conducted online. Instead of WP-specific presentations, the consortium will focus on project pillars for a more streamlined approach.

Communication Updates

  • Policy Brief: A proposal was introduced to create a 1-2 page policy brief that highlights key issues such as the concept of a just and safe operating space, and trade-offs in agriculture (e.g., increasing productivity at the expense of biodiversity). A task force will be set up to draft this brief, potentially in time for the Annual Meeting.
  • Upcoming Meetings: Presentations are being prepared for important meetings with DG AGRI and OECD in October 2024.
  • COMDISS Reporting: A new structure will be introduced to streamline communication and dissemination activities across partners.
  • Exploitation Workshop: A workshop will be organized to help WP/task leaders draft an outline for exploitation, which will contribute to the project’s exploitation plan.

WP Updates
All deliverables for the reporting period were completed on time.
Three papers have been submitted, with one more planned before the summer break.

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