Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

BrightSpace Zenodo Community

Did you know that as part of our dedication to open access, we have a specific community page for BrightSpace at Zenodo?

Why is this important? Disseminating our research through open access ensures that valuable insights and advancements are freely accessible to the global community. By regularly updating and making our emerging project outputs available on the BrightSpace Zenodo Community page, we aim to foster collaboration, encourage dialogue among stakeholders, and contribute to the collective progress of policy research and development.

How can you stay updated? We invite you to follow and regularly check the BrightSpace Zenodo community page for the latest updates, publications, and findings from our project.

Visit the BrightSpace Zenodo community page:

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1st Stakeholder Retreat

The 1st Stakeholder Retreat of the BrightSpace project, organised by the Thünen Institute in Leuven (Belgium) on 19-20 June, was attended by 25 participants. Stakeholders

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