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space for EU agriculture

BrightSpace collaborates with fellow project LAMASUS

Cooperation activities are envisaged with the LAMASUS project funded under the “HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-13 – Modelling land use and land management in the context of climate change” topic.
Started on 1 September 2022, the 4-year project LAMASUS proposes a step change in land use sector governance from policy formulation to implementation to monitoring to enable fundamental transformations in the land use sector necessary to achieve the Green Deal objectives and climate neutrality by 2050.

Contacts with the LAMASUS (LAnd use and MAnagement modelling for SUStainable governance) consortium have been established.

BrightSpace project’s Scientific Coordinator, Hans van Meijl participated at the kick-off meeting of LAMASUS in October 2022. Project coordinator of LAMASUS, Tamás Krisztin from IIASA presented the project at the BrightSpace 1st General Assembly, and complementarities with Brightspace were discussed.

Synergies will be sought between the two project such as harmonizing data request processes from the EU, in dissemination actions, exchange of materials, cross referencing in project newsletters, establishing links between websites and social media channels. The teams working on relevant topics will be developed to ensure coherent and mutually complimentary communications whenever appropriate.

More information on LAMASUS:

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