Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

BrightSpace Capacity building on modelling: AGMEMOD training, 20-24 November 2023

An on-site training on the AGMEMOD model took place between 20 and 24 November 2023 at the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig, Germany, with basic and advanced lectures, and also a dedicated session on BrightSpace. This activity was a contribution of Thünen- and the WeCR-AGMEMOD Team to the capacity building on modelling in the BrightSpace project (Task11.2).

The success of the event is marked by the high number of interested applicants. As a result the training capacity was increased compared to the original plans. Special target group were BrightSpace partners.

AGMEMOD (AGricultural MEmber State MODelling) is a network of agricultural economists working with a partial equilibrium model, also called AGMEMOD.

The AGMEMOD model is used to produce annual Outlook projections for agricultural commodity markets for EU Member States and other individual countries. Further, it is also used in the context of scenario analysis to assess the potential impacts of different policies and shocks on agricultural commodity markets.

Source: Thünen Institute

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