Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

Work for our fellow project STEP-UP at Thünen Institute

The Institute of Market Analysis of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, in Braunschweig is offering a full-time position starting as soon as possible and limited until 31.12.2027 for a Researcher in the fields of agricultural or environmental sciences (agricultural economics, agroecology) to work in the Horizon Europe project STEP UP.

STEP UP is a research project with 16 partners aiming to support the development of more economically, ecologically and socially sustainable European Livestock Production Systems in the EU. To achieve this, an information platform is to be set up to provide decision-makers with scientifically sound information on the impacts and external effects of livestock farming systems in the EU. Project results will support decision-makers in developing policies that contribute to the development of more sustainable European livestock systems while recognising the central role of livestock production in meeting the nutritional and societal needs of the European and global population.

The Thünen-Institute of Market Analysis is particularly involved in modelling possible transition paths for European livestock farming systems and estimation of aggregated effects. This position is assigned to the ‘Model-based Policy Impact Assessment’ field of activity at the Thünen-Institute for Market Analysis (AGMEMOD team) and implies close cooperation with the CAPRI team at the Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics.


  • further development of the partial equilibrium agricultural market model AGMEMOD with regard to the representation of different livestock production systems in the EU Member States
  • running simulations with the enhanced partial equilibrium agricultural market model AGMEMOD and analysing the results
  • preparation of project reports and scientific publications
  • preparation, publication and presentation of results for science, industry, politics and the public in German and English
  • close cooperation and interaction with project partners and other international institutions

Got interested?
For all details please read the job opening description here.

Application deadline: 30.09.2024

Source: Thünen Institut

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