Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

WP11 meeting, 27 May 2024 online

Stakeholder engagement, capacity building in modelling, project communication, results dissemination and exploitation is important for us!

We have just concluded the latest of our bi-monthly WP11 meetings. The agenda today included updates on work package tasks and a presentation on creating impact by Chris Krüger at PBL.

What are the latest news in our work package?

Deliverable 11.1 “Communication, dissemination, capacity building and impact strategy and plan, and reporting” was submitted to the EC REA on 30 April.

Stakeholder engagement: We are preparing for our 1st on-site Stakeholder Retreat, a lunch-to-lunch event organized by Thünen on 19-20 June in Leuven Belgium. Invited experts representing various stakeholder segments including policy-makers at EU and national/regional levels, producers, supply chains, consumers and NGOs, will discuss the applied concept of the Safe and Just operating Space (SJOS), baselines, indicators, thresholds and alternative futures.

Capacity building: the BrightSpace Model Young Researcher Network was launched, in which a selection of young researchers can spend 2-3 months at one of the BrightSpace partner institutes and collaborate with BrightSpace model experts.

Project communication: Our 3rd newsletter is soon out! Subscribe to our 6-monthly newsletters to get to know the latest news about BrightSpace.

Results dissemination and exploitation: 11 out of a total of 30 public deliverables were submitted to the EC REA on 30 April. Once approved by the EC we will make them available through our Zenodo Community page.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of the BrightSpace community!

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