Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

2nd WP1 meeting

The main objective of WP1 is to define a conceptual framework for the identification of drivers and indicators in order to 1) obtain an enhanced concept for SJOS 2) identify operational and valid SJOS indicators, including planetary boundaries, in the case of the EU food systems and at different spatial scales and 3) develop post-2027 science-based targets for European farming allowing the sector to remain within the planetary boundaries and a SJOS, and the conditions to achieve the targets.
We currently focus on the first two objectives to develop “Deliverable 1.1 An operational concept for dimensions and indicators of the SJOS” which will form an important reference basis for all the other work packages. In this work, through literature review (with regard to planetary boundaries, social equity, food security and other desirable just space dimensions, critical analysis of different SJOS philosophies, and review of goals and targets of policy programmes at EU and UN levels, we make a draft selection of SJOS dimensions and develop a critical assessment of existing concepts and indicators. The results of this work will be presented at a workshop with the BrightSpace stakeholder platform to find an agreement of the SJOS dimensions considered by the BrightSpace project.

As a follow up of the 1st meeting in December 2022, the 2nd WP1 meeting was held on 15 February where we discussed progress, timing and next steps.

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