Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

1st BrightSpace Thematic Seminar, 30 October 2023

36 experts from 13 EU countries, Ukraine and EC services (DG AGRI and DG ENV) participated at the 1st Thematic BrightSpace Seminar on 30 October 2023.

The main focus of the online event was to present the BrightSpace project, introduce the concept of the Safe and Just Operating Space (SJOS) and to get feedback and input on thematic areas, indicator domains and indicators, to define the SJOS for the project purposes towards sustainable EU agriculture. After words of welcome by WP 11 Stakeholder engagement leader Viktoriya Sturm from Thünen Institute, project coordinator Marc Müller from Wageningen Economic Research (WUR) introduced the BrightSpace project and the SJOS concept. He presented the procedure of defining the SJOS for the purposes of the BrightSpace project. This included the draft thematic areas and indicator domains the project team is working on.

Next, an interactive discussion took place on the relevance and potential gaps regarding the indicator domains for each of the 12 draft thematic areas for BrightSpace.

The feedback/input from the participants will be used for the further refinement of defining the SJOS in the BrightSpace project regarding thematic areas, indicator domains and indicators. The SJOS framework will be used in further project steps and forms the basis (by providing criteria) for the evaluation of results (i.e. the baseline and alternative scenarios).

We would like to thank all stakeholders for their participation and valuable contributions.

The next online thematic seminar focusing on supply- and demand drivers will take place in the spring of 2024.

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