Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

WP11 meeting│29 July 2024, online

Stakeholder engagement, Capacity building, Project communication, Results dissemination & Exploitation

The 5th regular WP11 meeting took place online on 29 July 2024. The meeting was led by WP leader Viktoriya Sturm (Thünen), who began by recapping the minutes from the previous WP11 meeting from 27 May 2024.

Topics Discussed:

Task 11.1: Stakeholder Engagement

  • The 1st BrightSpace Retreat, titled “BrightSpace Baseline: Moving into Safe & Just Future?”, was successfully held as a lunch-to-lunch event from 19-20 June 2024 in Leuven, Belgium. The event had 25 participants, with some attending only one of the two days.
  • Several key issues raised during the retreat, such as the number of baselines and narratives, require further internal discussions. A follow-up meeting with the modelling team is already scheduled.
  • Based on feedback, the 2nd Stakeholder Retreat will take place on-site (likely in the Brussels area) in autumn 2025.
  • The importance of partner support for better representation of various stakeholder categories, particularly from country-level organizations, was emphasized.

Task 11.2: Capacity Building

No training events have occurred since the last meeting.

  • The next CAPRI training will be held in autumn 2024.
  • BrightSpace partners have been provided with a form to apply for financial support as part of the BrightSpace Agricultural Model Young Researcher Network (AMYRN).

Task 11.3: Communication & Dissemination (COMDISS)

  • 28 June: The 3rd COMDISS meeting was held. Discussions centered on:
    • Improving the efficiency of information flow between partners/WPs and the BrightSpace Central Communications Office.
    • Streamlining the collection of COMDISS activity information from partners through online forms for reporting purposes.
    • Adjusting COMDISS KPIs to ensure that partners’ activities are well-reflected and reported accurately in the EC Grant Management System.
  • 22 July: WP11 presented its COMDISS activities at the RP1 Review meeting.
  • 25 July: A virtual meeting was held to explore collaboration opportunities and potential synergies with the EU Horizon project STEP UP.

Task 11.4: Exploitation

  • The first draft of the D11.3 Exploitation Plan is already available.
  • During the RP1 Review meeting on 22 July, Task 11.4.
  • Finalized RP1 public deliverables will be made available at the BrightSpace Zenodo page by the end of September.
  • The Exploitation Strategy and roadmap—including methods for identifying and assessing key exploitable results — will be finalized in September. These will be discussed at the Annual Meeting in the frame of a plenary exploitation workshop.

The next WP11 meeting is scheduled for end of September 2024.

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