Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

Join us for the pre-congress session of the LAMASUS and Brightspace Horizon Europe Projects from 09:00 AM to 1:00 PM on 29th August 2023 in the XVII EAAE Congress venue Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, France.

Common Agricultural Policy design traditionally relies on forward-looking projections by partial and general equilibrium economic models, such as CAPRI or MAGNET. A key starting point for these assessments is the baseline scenario, where in turn the annual EU Agricultural Outlook is considered as the reference for medium-term foresight. Since policy impact assessments typically include multiple models, also because of the increasing scope of the Common Agricultural Policy goals, the challenge is also to align the baselines across the participating models themselves. This workshop presents ongoing efforts to develop a consistent medium-term baseline across economic models participating in two Horizon Europe projects: LAMASUS and BrightSpace (CAPRI, CLUMondo, FARM-DYN, GLOBIOM, IMAGE, MAGNET), and discusses the challenges related among others to the new CAP implementation model through the National Strategic Plans.


More information about the pre-congress workshops:

EAAE Congress Rennes (France) – Pre-congress workshops (

Source: WR

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