Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture


Location: Budapest, Hungary
Role in the project:

PLAB provides expert contributions to tasks in WP1, WP3, WP4, WP8 and WP10.

PLAB leads Task 11.3 and Task 11.4. Task 11.3 “Project external communication actions and results dissemination” aimed at coordinating the external communication actions at a consortium level that address multi-channel dissemination, communication and outreach actions of project information, developments and results towards the different actors at various levels, practitioners, policy makers and the wider public. PLAB also leads Task 11.4 that entails the iterative development of the project’s exploitation strategy and Plan in strong cooperation with all workpackages and consortium partners.


Planslab Ltd. is a consulting company, founded in 2017, providing affordable and accessible business services including strategic consultancy, financial modelling, business valuation, controlling and education to CEE SMEs as an alternative to the large consultancy companies. Our mission is to make the operation of our clients transparent, support their decision-making with analysis.

In the course of our work we have gained insight into a number of different industries ranging from e-commerce to healthcare, marketing, communication, construction industry, real estate development, fashion industry, ITC, catering and hotel industry, and also into agriculture where we have an increasing network of active stakeholders.

With our existing experiences in teaching and research in tertiary education, we are interested in enlarging our fields of activities, and dynamically develop our international network through sustainability research and capacity building related to agriculture and rural communities. We cooperate with universities, research institutions, industry, as well as public administrations and civil organisations, and aiming at providing innovative solutions to tackle complex challenges.


Dr. Katalin Balázs
Position: senior researcher
Role in the project:
lead of Task 11.3 and Task 11.4, lead PLAB’s efforts across the project’s implementation, project COMDISS responsible at PLAB

Katalin is an agricultural engineer specialising in environmental management, with a PhD in Environmental Sciences. She has over 15 years experience in agri-environmental and rural policy analysis, in farm-level modelling, agro-ecological and economic land use planning and building farm level agri-environmental management scenarios. In 2004 she worked for the EEA in Copenhagen on agri-environmental and HNV policy issues. Her research interests are in agroecological transition, environmental issues of agriculture, farm level indicators, agri-environmental policies and practice. She is particularly interested in the governance and design of agri-environmental policies, private / public partnerships and initiatives and their socio-economic and agroecological impacts. She co-ordinated (AGRIDIAG LLP LdV) and contributed to a range of transdisciplinary multi-actor national and international research in this field (UNISECO H2020 - COMDISS WP leader/HU case study leader, MIND STEP 2020 - COMDISS WP leader, COASTAL H2020 - COMDISS WP leader, ENVIEVAL FP7, BIOBIO FP7, SENSOR FP7, GUARDEN SEE Programme, AEFOOTPRINT FP6, MEA SCOPE FP6, EU-CEEOFP FP5). Dr. Balázs will lead PLAB’s efforts across the project’s implementation.

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Dr. László Podmaniczky
Position: senior researcher
Role in the project:
provides expert contributions to tasks in WP1, WP3, WP4, WP8 and WP10

László is an agricultural economist with over 20 years’ experience in policy impact analysis, with a focus on organic farming, agri-environmental policies and sustainability. He has extensive experience in coordinating policy evaluations of different CAP measures in various EU Member States. His research is into organic support strategies, innovative government approaches to remunerate the provision of public goods as well as farm management concepts for improving sustainable land use systems. He has contributed to various EU research projects (UNISECO H2020 , ENVIEVAL FP7, BIOBIO FP7, SENSOR FP7, GUARDEN SEE Programme, AEFOOTPRINT FP6, MEA SCOPE FP6 ).