Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

European Centre for Agricultural, Regional and Environmental Policy Research (EuroCARE)

Location: Bonn, Germany
Role in the project:

EuroCARE has a leading role in WP5, the “integrated toolbox”. In cooperation with the stakeholders a Brightspace medium-run baseline will be developed. For the longer period, alternative baselines (no climate change, only climate change, pessimistic combination) are created and presented to the stakeholders. Finally, an IT infrastructure for open-source and cloud-based access to the integrated toolbox and its result will be provided.

In WP6, CAPRI’s modeling ability to address the “solution space” for EU agriculture to stay within the safe space will be enhanced. Options may cover improvements in the organic representation, the manure trade and biodiversity indicators.

In WP8, WP9 and WP10, EuroCARE will contribute to the scenario work and related model adjustments aiming to outline a set of transition pathways for food and agriculture in the European Union within the Safe and Just Operating Space (SJOS).

EuroCARE will contribute to the coordination and organisation of trainings, as well as project communication, results dissemination and exploitation in WP11.


European Centre for Agricultural, Regional and Environmental Policy Research (EuroCARE) GmbH is a consultancy specialized in quantitative and qualitative analysis of agricultural and environmental policies. It delivers scientifically sound and independent analysis, bridging the gap between academic research and policy design. The EuroCARE team consists of agricultural economists. It maintains close links to the Economic and Agricultural Policy group at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics (University of Bonn) which is leading in the field of policy impact assessment for agriculture. EuroCARE’s core service is the quantitative analysis based on complex simulation models such as CAPRI. Completed projects include analyses of the potential effects (1) of reforms of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and trade policies,  (2) environmental policies as greenhouse gas emissions and carbon effects (LULUCF) in land using sectors, and non-CO2 emissions in agriculture, and (3) long-term drivers for agriculture and global agricultural markets.


BrightSpace project information on the partner’s website in English or in national language::


Dr. Peter Witzke
Position: acting manager
Role in the project:
leading WP5

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Dr. Monika Kesting
Position: Senior expert
Role in the project:
team member

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Dr. David Schäfer
Role in the project:
team member; project COMDISS responsible at EUROCARE

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Dr. Christian Götz
Position: Senior expert
Role in the project:
team member