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BrightSpace’s 1st Review Meeting

On 22 July 2024, the BrightSpace Horizon Europe Project successfully completed its 1st Review Meeting with the European Commission.

Representatives from the the European Commission, the BrightSpace coordination and management team, and delegates from all 12 Work Packages, alongside two external reviewers who kindly evaluated the project.

Over the past 18 months, the BrightSpace consortium has made significant progress in advancing the project’s objectives. During the 3-hour online review meeting, the team presented the key achievements of the first reporting period, including the 11 deliverables submitted. The meeting offered a platform for a productive exchange, where the consortium received invaluable feedback from the reviewers.

Moving forward, we are determined to maintain the high standard of our work and achieve the anticipated results as planned. The results from this review meeting will help to shape the work Looking ahead, the feedback and insights gained from this review will be instrumental in shaping the project’s future work, ensuring that BrightSpace continues to meet its objectives and deliver impactful results.

Heartfelt thanks to ALL participants for their insightful contributions!

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