Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

1st issue of Newsletter is out

Dear Reader,

We are very pleased to inform you that we have just released the 1st issue of the BrightSpace Project Newsletter.

Access and browse it here.

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What BrightSpace is all about?

BrightSpace is an EC funded 5-year Horizon Europe research and innovation action aiming to design effective and sustainable strategies to navigate within a Safe and Just Operating Space.

From this issue of our newsletter, you can get to know:

Which organisations are in the project team?

The consortium of BrightSpace consists of 14 partners from 9 countries in Europe (AT, CZ, FR, DE, HU, IT, NL, ES, UK) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

How is the project structured?

The BrightSpace project is managed through 11 work packages, each of which is responsible for various parts of the five-year project.

What are the latest developments in our project?

From kick-off to various activities: learn more about how our partners work to keep focus on project implementation.

Where and how are we networking and cooperate with other Horizon Europe Projects?

Read more how we cooperate with our fellow project LAMASUS and where are the common grounds for cooperation with GenBEcon and RATION.

What are the upcoming international events where you can meet us?

There are several events on our list, e.g. BrightSpace will be presented at two pre-congress workshops to the 2023 Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE).

Continue reading the online version here.

We hope you will enjoy delving into the latest info about our project.
Thank you for reading!

The BrightSpace project team

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