Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

BrightSpace Stakeholder Community

Join us and be part of the BrightSpace Stakeholder Community!

We invite you to become an active member of the BrightSpace Stakeholder Community.

Your participation will not only help you to stay informed about the project’s progress but also enable you to take part in thematic seminars and stakeholder events where we try to take into account different perspectives as much as possible.

The endeavor to approach a safe and just operating space benefits from incorporating a variety of opinions and perspectives that will flow into an aggregation or that will be acknowledged in a side note.

We lay emphasis on transparent communication in order to let you know how and where your inputs make an impact, and if they could for example contribute to alterations in our modelling toolbox.

The BrightSpace Stakeholder Community offers a unique platform for networking and exchanging knowledge and experience related to the future of EU agri-food policies and we want to make sure that you as a participating stakeholder feel appreciated in your contribution efforts.

As we aim to represent all interest groups who have a stake in EU agriculture as best as possible including farmers, consumers, NGOs and agri-businesses across the different member states, everyone who is affected in this field is equally welcome to join our stakeholder community and contribute with new perspectives. 

Got interested?

Thematic Seminars

{Here please explain what thematic seminars are about, what is the format like, what stakeholders are required to do, how they can contribute.}

{Please note that Upcoming and Past news about any stakeholder events will both appear in the bottom section in reverse chronological order.}

Stakeholder Retreats

{Here please explain what stakeholder retreats are about, how do they differ from seminars, what is the format like, what stakeholders are required to do, how they can contribute.}

{Please send me any upcoming newsitem about Thematic seminars & Stakeholder Retreats as appropriate.}


News about Stakeholder events

1st Stakeholder Retreat

The 1st Stakeholder Retreat of the BrightSpace project, organised by the Thünen Institute in Leuven (Belgium) on 19-20 June, was attended by 25 participants. Stakeholders

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