Towards a safe and just operating
space for EU agriculture

Capacity building

Addressing the Shortage of Modelling Skills in Agri-Economic Policy Analysis

Despite the increasing demand for model-based analysis in agricultural policy development, the labour market faces a persistent shortage of professionals with expertise in economic and environmental modelling. Several factors contribute to this gap, including the limited exposure of students to modelling methods in undergraduate and master’s programmes, the low availability of academic supervisors promoting modelling in research, the scarcity of training opportunities outside universities, and the high costs associated with specialised training.

Recognising these challenges, the BrightSpace project is committed to enhancing the number of graduates and professionals with both basic and advanced skills in agri-economic modelling. Through targeted capacity-building activities, BrightSpace aims to equip newcomers with the necessary skills to engage in model-based research while fostering their involvement in policy assessments. By doing so, the project ensures that scientific insights are effectively translated into practical policy applications.

A Collaborative Approach to Capacity Building

BrightSpace brings together leading modelling teams specialising in economic, environmental, and social aspects of agriculture, with a focus on the EU. By consolidating expertise across different modelling frameworks, the project offers a robust platform for fostering capacity building in agri-economic modelling (AgEcon).

The BrightSpace capacity-building framework represents a strategic investment in the future of agricultural policy analysis. By integrating modelling into academic programmes, providing hands-on training opportunities, and fostering a strong research network, BrightSpace aims to bridge the gap between scientific expertise and practical policy development. These efforts will contribute to the sustainability and resilience of EU agriculture while equipping the next generation of researchers with the skills needed to address pressing agricultural and environmental challenges.

The approach consists of three key pillars: Teaching, Training & Networking.

Teaching: Master module on AgEcon modelling

A Master Module on Economic & Integrated Assessment Modelling for Policy Impact Evaluation

Training: Sessions on Modelling

Provide training sessions on modelling for the four models used in BrightSpace: CAPRI, AGMEMOD, MAGNET, GLOBIOM

Networking: Agricultural Model Young Researcher Network

Facilitate a network of young researchers to build agricultural model capacity in the EU